This course has been created by consultants and trainees who have experience and / or an interest in intensive care medicine. We are extremely grateful for the trainee contribution which has included creation of course materials, and advising on course content.
Course Directors
Dr Selin Kabadayi FRCA FFICM
Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM
Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM
Dr Andrew Peeling FRCA FFICM
Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM
Consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM
Trainee Faculty
Dr Chloe Billingham FRCA FFICM
ST8 in Anaesthesia and ICM
ST8 in Anaesthesia and ICM
Dr Paige Baylis-Jones
CT3 in Anaesthesia
CT3 in Anaesthesia
Dr Giti Sharma
CT3 in Anaesthesia
CT3 in Anaesthesia
Dr Rasmus Knudsen
CT3 in Anaesthesia
CT3 in Anaesthesia
Dr Chloe Start
CT3 in Anaesthesia
CT3 in Anaesthesia
Dr Ben Whitby
CT2 in Anaesthesia
CT2 in Anaesthesia
Dr Matt Smith
CT2 in Anaesthesia
CT2 in Anaesthesia